Dry Skin brushing benefits – e.g. remove toxins

Skin brushing to remove toxins

Dry skin brushing
Dry skin brushing helps you look good and feel good

2. Skin brushing, hot bath, epsom salts

Love the skin you are in!

This is a technique we learned at Sanoviv. (http://www.sanoviv.com – a holistic wonderful Health Centre) We were given a long-handled skin-brushing brush. It has soft bristles. If you don’t have one, a similar result can be obtained by using a face cloth or other rough material. The three things that skin brushing does, is
• Rubs off the dead skin cells, thus encouraging growth of healthy new skin
• Gently stimulates the lymph system
• Gives our body a mini massage – telling it that we love every part of it!

Let me add a word about the lymph system. The lymphatic system is part of the way our body gets rid of toxins and other waste products. Whereas blood travels up and down our body aided by that wonderful pump – our heart, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump. What is even more tricky, is that the ‘exit’ from our lymph system is our underarm! To obtain dry skin brushing benefits – use light strokes, and start from your hands and feet, brush your feet, then gently up your legs, always brushing towards the heart. Ladies should avoid the breast area. The process should take at least three minutes, preferably just before taking a shower or bath.




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